söndag 27 maj 2018

Positive things, day 26 & 27

Didn’t do anything this weekend, but it was relaxing. Have plans for next weekend. (Birthday party, hang out with friends I don’t often get to see).

Found out about and started playing Jurassic World Alive today. It’s like Pokémon Go but with dinosaurs. It could be fun. A bit on the fence right now, I feel like it has to offer something more than what I’ve seen so far. Apparently you can make hybrids when you have more dinosaurs. Which I guess replaces the evolving of Pokémon. Because evolving them was one of the fun things about that game. The problem with these games for me (and the reason I stopped playing Pokémon Go) is that I get too obsessed with doing my best. It’s not about competing with others, but about getting the most out of the game, somehow. I don’t quite understand it myself. But I have this thing about being efficient. Like if I was playing Pokémon Go and had a special item like a lure, I would have to make sure that I was using it at the best possible time so none of its potential would be wasted. And how do you know when it’s the best possible time? It’s kind of like the sticker thing that I’ve seen someone else express online as well (and thought yay, it’s not just me). When I was a kid I would rarely use any of the stickers that I liked because what if I used it on something and then found a better place for it? I would regret using it. Once when I had some friends over and we had stickers out, one of them begged me to let her use one of my really nice stickers for something she was making, and I let her. And then she didn’t even take the thing home with her. And that hurt. And that was a weird tangent. Anyway, I get too intense about some games; hoarding supplies or just playing way too much because you have to go into the game to collect stuff all the time. And get annoyed at myself if I don’t. And getting annoyed at yourself because you didn’t play Pokémon Go on your way to work is just a really weird way to live.

That didn’t end up being a positive thing, did it? What else? Talked to one of my friends that the road trip will take me close to and looks like she’s gonna be around so I can see her then.

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