This blog is about seeing the silver linings, celebrating all the things, big or small, that makes you want to hang on in this world, makes you happy to be here, or makes you feel just a little bit better. Feel free to share. What was the best part of your day today?
(I sometimes post about other things as well, so if you’re here for the positives only, use the positive things tag.)
Just FYI, I didn’t delete this because it was mean. I deleted this because of the advertising. If you want to repost your hate without the ad link, you’re welcome to. I’m sorry that this blog is so much whining since it’s supposed to be a positive blog, but I kind of just post what’s on my mind most of the time. Life happens to suck a lot sometimes and this is/was my outlet. Feel free not to read. I hope you find a blog you like better.
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SvaraRaderaJust FYI, I didn’t delete this because it was mean. I deleted this because of the advertising. If you want to repost your hate without the ad link, you’re welcome to. I’m sorry that this blog is so much whining since it’s supposed to be a positive blog, but I kind of just post what’s on my mind most of the time. Life happens to suck a lot sometimes and this is/was my outlet. Feel free not to read. I hope you find a blog you like better.