torsdag 26 april 2018

New name

So I finally thought of a new blog name that wasn’t taken. And then after switching it, I realised that any potential readers coming from TheBloggess would now have the wrong link. D’oh! I’m not expecting this blog to become popular or anything, but it would be nice to have some traffic that isn’t just me. I think most people have that desire for attention somewhere in them, and I am far too shy to go looking for that in real life. Then again, when my old blog started getting readers, that just made me nervous. Why? I should just be me. If people don’t like the real me, then who cares? I wouldn’t want them to like a fake me. So I should just put everything out here, every weird and embarrassing thought. After all, it’d have to be pretty damn weird to scare off the Bloggess tribe.

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